Angus’ Appendices - Joe Sinnott Tribute

Angus pays tribute to Joe Sinnott, an unsung hero at Marvel and among the greats, on the occasion of his passing. He also recommends four essential works to read in honor of Joe's illustrative legacy!

Please share your thoughts once you have read:

Menace (1953-1954) #2

"Rocket to the Moon!"  - A lab assistant builds a rocket that will travel to the moon and volunteers to fly it, but his boss wants the credit.

Strange Tales (1951-1968) #94

"I Was a Decoy for Pildorr the Plunderer from Outer Space!"

Journey Into Mystery (1952-1966) #83

"The Power of Thor" - The debut of Thor! A new age begins as the Odinson starts his divine campaign against the forces of evil!

Fantastic Four (1961-1998) #51

Ben Grimm, transformed back to a human! There’s an imposter Thing amidst the Fantastic Four, and Grimm is struggling to alert his teammates! What has caused the Thing to lose his rock-like form? And what does this mean for his future with Alicia Masters? Plus, Reed Richards enters the Negative Zone!


Joe Sinnott: 1926-2020

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